Sunday, August 19, 2012

Idol Artifact Pedestal Economy Version - 1st Pulls

The fresh new mold is getting a workout (and so am I for that matter), and the second pull came out much closer to the desired weight (see previous post for more info on that).

The surface details from the master sculpt reproduced beautifully on the casting.

It's hard to see the details due to the lighting and the flat white color of the fresh casting, but once it's prepped up and painted, all the little chips, cracks and nooks will really pop.

Here it is next to a miniature swimming pool.... no wait, that's the mold.
Please, DON'T throw me the Idol... it's really heavy and I don't want my skull cracked open.

The two first castings are still drying and will take another several days before they're fully cured. Then they'll be ready for sealing, priming, and painting. Stay tuned for a look at a completed piece.