Saturday, January 25, 2014

Success!!! Idol Artifact Pedestal Production is a Go!

Looks like I finally solved the production issues on the Idol Artifact Pedestal. The latest couple of test castings have turned out great, and consistent, which was a big problem with the initial batch, when several castings needed to be thrown out. I'm happy to see that this new batch is turning out great! Stay tuned for availability updates!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

...And We're Back!!!

Happy New Year! I hope all is well. Just came back from a much enjoyed, and deserved vacation/anniversary in beautiful Florida.

Just wanted to post a quick update on THE major bane of all my current projects. I refer to the Idol Artifact Pedestal.

So innocent looking, isn't it?

I began a new batch and cast a couple of them before realizing I need a new strategy. The castings were just not working for me so I'm devising a new technique for these that I think will work more consistently. I'm hoping to have these rolling soon so I'll be hard at work with these.

On a side note, I'll be simultaneously working on more Siva Linga stones as time permits. A few fresh castings are sitting waiting for paint.

Ta-Ta for now!